Statement of Faith
Applicants and members should agree with the following statements regarding the Christian faith and must attest to their agreement on their membership applications.
There is one self-existent, sovereign God who is eternal, immutable, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Knowing God is the foundation of all knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and truth. Man was created by God in the image of God, but fell into sin and therefore is lost, and can only be saved by faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, is the incarnation and supreme revelation of God. Jesus alone is the Promised Messiah, the Savior of mankind through His death on the cross, burial, resurrection from the dead, and ascension to God the Father. He will return and reunite with those who believe in Him, to reign with Him in power and glory throughout all eternity. Every believer of Jesus Christ has been given the gift of the Holy Spirit. God’s Holy Spirit, “…lives with you and will be in you….” (John 14:17). The Holy Spirit is the inspiration behind the writings of scripture, administrator of the church, the believer’s counselor, the source of a believer’s spiritual and physical strength, the believer’s teacher, and the believer’s confirmer of salvation. There exists a community of believers (the church) who, through faith in Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, covenants with God and with other believers to live out faithfully the beliefs, practices, and mission of the church. As a community of believers, we are to carry out the work of Christ in the world and love one another. The Bible is the inspired Word of God, the final authority of faith and life, without error in its original writing both in doctrine and historical details. All true knowledge is consistent with its revelation.